Unleash Yourself In Never Ending Playgrounds
With 1000s of Challengers and Strategic Minds in the saga of decentralized gaming, getting bored was never an option. Bringing every multiplayer & single player games, Role Plays, Racing, Arcade Games, Hunts and much more to your screens
Get Rewarded For Your Imagination
Design your own beautiful worlds, immersive virtual businesses, game zones, avatars and accessories. Earn by monetizing your experiences and get rewarded by AvatarLife for everything you build
Boost Your Community Engagement By 20x
Building strong connections is not limited anymore to texting and sharing GIFs. Leverage the power of immersive interactions and lay the foundation of your community with more unique events that captivates your audience

What Makes Us Different?

Testimonial By Resident
"A friendly, positive, modern Open Grid-based community that offers free land and a unique skilled gaming tack. I know of no other grid that has as involved and responsive a support team (they have paid and volunteer staff available and scheduled online many hours out of the day), and you'll often find the founder himself online and checking in with the community. The grid has a developing social scene and with the free land is a great haven for existing and aspiring builders."
- Daniel Sanguine
"I think it's the dream of every metaverse resident, an updated and under construction place where you can do great things in collaboration or all the things you thought were unattainable are here and so far it's been so easy thanks to the donation you have made to give us a piece of land to be able to push that limit, that my gratitude is infinite. On a technical level, certain corrections are still needed, but I think that little by little they will be improved"
- Rose Helend
"I believe Avatar Life is doing very well from what I have seen so far. I have enjoyed my time here. The prices for regions are reasonable unlike another grid that charges way too much. Keep up the great work and keep the prices low and I believe more people will join up and the grid will flourish."
- Jilly Ravenhurst
"AL is one of the best grids among the other OpenSim / OSGrid worlds. The AL feature, important for me personally, is the possibility to get free use of a large piece of virtual land (1/4 of the region), where I can create a personal virtual space for leisure or business."
- Din Altos
"I think it hold a great promise. The staff are helpful and the future online grid is mainly based on my personal experience. The advances in technology is growing all the time and improvements as you can see the passions of the owner to build it to his best ability, I enjoy the virtual world because it gives me a chance to experience the reality more closely than being in the actual real world, it makes me feel like a part of the activity and you can explore and let your mind go away in to the wonders of the world. It is also a way to explore your talents in building , Role Play , Clothing and making mesh bodies which you can sell within your store it is endless and one reason why I decided to take my breedable over to Avatar Life so then others can also enjoy things they might not be able to do in real life."
- Sian Teulu
"I've been enjoying the grid, in general, and love the free land and items to get started having fun. It does feel a little light on the opportunity for business traffic to be charging the SL rates for uploads, however I am probably spoiled by OS free uploads. It's not 'unfair' by any means, just a personal opinion. Im more of a solitary builder that creeps out to clubs occasionally. I do like the opportunity for the marketplace and setting up a small shop, which I intend to use the credits from this to bring in a couple original models to get started. I can see potential for expansion and look forward to hanging out a while to watch it grow."
- Blazin Phenix
"It's pretty decent I just have to get used to it There's a lot to do just have to acclimate myself as to where things are and how to get around the grid better still new to this but I'm learning slowly"
- Red Runningbear
"I love avatar life. It’s worth to me to have a premium account. I make AV playing games to pay my premium fee each month."
- DJ Able
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